Friday, September 17, 2010

Goodbye ECC, Goodbye Korea

 Next week is Chusok, a Korean holiday, and we have Monday through Thursday off work. We leave tomorrow morning for Vietnam and I can't get on a plane fast enough. Heath just went to bed so that it could be morning sooner and I'm sleeping in my bathing suit. Here are some toys I collected this week.
A fake gun, skull ring, nintendo. And the cell phones charms? Really? But the most ridiculous is the jump rope. It's always the kids with no pencil, no book, staring at me blankly or whining to borrow my pencils. In a fit of rage, I rummage through their backpacks to make sure they aren't just lazy. And I find a jump rope. Like they were at home and they were packing their bag, and they thought "what should I bring to English academy today? A pencil? No. Maybe my book? No. I've got it! That sweet jump rope. Perfect." 
That Hair
That Face. Remember Aron? He's become one of my favorite students. I'm probably not supposed to say that sort of thing, but whatever, it's true.

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