Sunday, March 14, 2010

Molding Minds

Last week was our first full week of school. I am really enjoying teaching and I feel comfortable in the classroom. It has been challenging as we are basically on our own as teachers to create lesson plans, communicate curriculum effectively, and entertain a group of kids that do not understand most of what I'm saying. After finishing multiple classes 20 minutes early and only knowing how to play hangman the previous week, I definitely tried to bring my A game (teacher humor) this week. I planned more to accomplish during the lessons and prepared educational games to fill in the gaps. Most of my students are absolutely wonderful. I have a handful of girls who come into the staff room before our classes and help me take all my supplies to class. I love girls. There are some bad apples and I was having a hard time managing those classes in the beginning, but now I take away cell phones, send kids outside, and threaten to take them to the front desk. No mercy. Kids DO NOT want to go outside the classroom, which was interesting to me because they seem so unconcerned about being there. I think its a matter of embarrassment being seen standing outside in the hallway. For the most part, the kids are fun, curious, and excited to learn. Hopefully I can snap some pictures soon, but I don't know what the rules are yet.

On Thursday, Heather and I were told to arrive at school at 11:30 for our medical check-up. A part of us wondered if our check-up would be done at school by Bonnie, a head Korean teacher, which would be weird but not surprising considering the past two weeks of "adventures". I was relieved when we hopped in a cab with Bonnie and headed to a medical building. We went from office to office, getting our teeth checked, blood drawn, x-rays, and such. To check your height, they use a machine that you stand on and a marker drops down and hits you on the head, sending Heather and I into fits of laughter. The nurses looked very confused, like, "what? you don't have things come down and bang people on the head to check height?" Hopefully everything checks out because once we are cleared, we can to apply for our alien cards, and that means bank accounts and cell phones! We can be like real people again.

Any of you teacher friends out there reading this, I would love suggestions and advice.


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