Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cambodia, Part III - Back to Phnom Penh (the killing fields)

To be honest, I was pretty much in the dark when it came to Cambodia's history. I found a book in our apartment about the children of Cambodia during the mass genocide. On the flight, I read several stories about the horrors of the Khmer Rouge and their control of the country from 1975-1979. 

The regime evacuated the cities in 1975, and sent the majority of the population to labor camps. A significant portion of the population was executed during this time in killing fields like the one we visited.

Visiting the killing field was heavy but gave us a deeper understanding of Cambodia's history. It was difficult to take many pictures because I kept remembering stories I had read. For the short time we stayed in Cambodia, the spirit of the people was so evident in all aspects of the culture. They were gracious, self-sufficient, hospitable, and above all, optimistic.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.I am always looking for this type of updated post, and I am happy that I finally came here!.
